
The Men’s group meets in an informal environment, allowing men to talk in a relaxed, comfortable and confidential space. Our support group is an opportunity for men to mix with others in a safe environment and discuss any matters that may be concerning you. We hope to cover many different topics and have guest speakers.

The aim of the group is to show men they can share, support, and explore their personal challenges confidentially in a non-judgmental way, encouraging men to be themselves and lose the barrier of sharing with others, putting down foundations to be better men. As well as this, we hope to promote healthy lifestyle choices and wellbeing among men locally, increase willingness to access healthcare and support men in reducing risks taken with their health.

For more information, please contact us on [email protected] or on 0191 565 7218

Session Time:

Tuesday: 10:30am – 12pm
£1.50 per session